2021 Resolutions

2020 began with lofty goals and ended with a frayed sigh of relief, so naturally it’s time to jinx 2021 with some new resolutions!

An Overview #

tl;dr More exercising, less meat-eating, more reading, less doomscrolling

Just like shipping projects beats watching tutorials, I suspect writing pushes some skills further than just reading alone. Enter the krishnapa.tel blog, with some resolutions on the side.

  1. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, every day
  2. Read 12 non-fiction titles
  3. Write 12 blog posts
  4. Go full pescatarian
  5. Engage in more responsible media consumption

Exercise #

Exercise is way easier now that there’s a full set of plates, a barbell, and a half rack downstairs paired with Reddit’s 6 day PPL split. Additionally, I invite the world to shame me since my workout activity is being broadcast to the world at my TMI health dashboard. Ignore the white spaces on the heatmap…

Reading #

Reading fiction is easy. Reading longform is a struggle. Reading a full on non-fiction book seems like something only Krishna The Student from years gone could accompolish. I have a bunch of titles I collected over the years sitting on my nightstand. This will be the year I actually go through them.

A stack of dusty old books.
What I imagine when I think of my non-fiction backlog.

Writing #

Writing blog posts is intimidating. I have a bunch of pieces in a notes folder that I’ve shied away from publishing. It’s time to unearth these gems over the next few weeks.

Pescatarian #

On my slow, year-by-year journey towards being a vegetarian again, it’s time for the last in-between step: being a pescatarian all year. I heard an old friend (a pescatarian) once claim fish aren’t animals, then revised that statement to "fish don’t have blood" followed by "fish don’t have feelings". I hope I don’t fall into that kind of madness.

Media #

I want to more mindfully watch TV or read longform. Too often, I half-heartedly watch a movie or scan articles.
